Saturday, May 23, 2009

Screaming for Clarity

So, you know that whole 'I'm trying to cut back on alcohol' thing? Hasn't been working the past two weeks. I fucking fail.

Anyway, it's become apparent that a girl I have been interested in has recently begun a relationship with someone (I think I might know who, but it remains to be seen). Now, I consider myself (and others consider me) and intelligent guy, but my IQ with women does not break the bank at all. I am just completely clueless when it comes to women and reading them.

Anyone else feel like I've had this post before in here? I think I have and I can't remember because I'm a bit hungover and don't feel like checking, so deal with it.

I do have a date with someone this weekend, so we'll see how that goes.

On to more pertinent things that I can remedy in a short term time frame:

I am going to begin looking for a new job soon. I want a job where I can 'climb the ladder' so to speak and have the opportunity to attain a management position somewhere. I can't do that where I currently am. It's going to be weird going fro a casual environment to one where I have to wear a suit every day.

The hard part comes in when I should tell my boss. I am thinking whichever comes first: getting a job offer or if I am asked for references.

That's it for now

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