Monday, July 4, 2011

Wow, it's been a while

Been almost two years since I posted to this thing. Where did the time go?

I'm not going to burden anyone with what has happened in the last two years. I can go into more detail about that with you later (and some who will read this already know about the events that took place over the past 20 or so months).

This post is mainly about a friendship that is quickly fading away. Here's the back story:

I've known these two friends for a while. I can't really remember when I first met them, but it was sometime in college (so my guess is 2006 or 2007). Anyway, we were really good buds. We'd go out on the town every weekend (and sometimes during the week) and just drink and have fun or play pool or whatever the fuck else there is to do here. This went on for about 4 years until about 6 or 8 months ago. These dudes suggested we go to this dance club up the street. Now, it's not the best place in the world to go, but it was something different. In fact, I would say that this is the club equivalent of a dive bar. It's the club for the individuals who don't want to drive downtown or for the ones who are under 21. Now, I'm not a club person. In fact, I loathe clubs with a passion and I guess that's because of the atmosphere. The only reason I obliged was because, again, it was something different to do. I had a good time that night, but then my friends insisted on going back there every possible night they were free. Now, that doesn't pose a problem in and of itself. However, I'm not a big fan of this place and I would suggest going to other places. I had suggested going to our other usual hangouts from years past, but I got excuses like 'Oh, that place is too ghetto' or 'Oh, this place is too small'. Man, I've hung out in bars that were no bigger than my apartment in college and I fucking got over it. I went there for the atmosphere (intimate, amirite?) and the comradery of being with people who were in the same boat I was in at the time (trying to survive college, etc) so telling me that a place is 'too small' just signals to me that there's some other underlying issue. He's gone there before and hasn't said anything about it until now, so I think he's hiding something.

Anyway, since one of the friends became pussywhipped with some girl he found at the club I don't like, it's only been me and the other guy. Well, we went to this club downtown one night and on the way back I got kinda hostile with him. I'm not really known for getting hostile with people I care about unless I have a really fucking damn good reason to do it. I basically confronted him about the fact that my ideas were never considered as possible activities to do on a given night and why I was treated like a third wheel sometimes when I valued their friendship. All I got were bullshit excuses (like I stated above about the size of the establishment or whatever).

I don't know. I don't think I have outrageous requirements for friendship, but I would imagine that true friends would be willing to compromise what they want to do to make their other friends happy. Maybe they feel the same way I do, but I've at least swallowed my pride and gone with them to places I don't necessarily like (not every night, but once in a while). I guess this friendship has possibly run its course. I'm not really sure yet as the events in the previous paragraph only happened within the past month or so. I am hoping that my friends come around, but they might not and that's fine. At least I know where they stand on what they think of me..

til next time

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