Saturday, April 11, 2009

Any kind of Friday?

So, as some of you may or may not know, I have become more sociable since I have been on my own. There's really no reason to be anything else while on your own as you just become nothing ubt a recluse if you don't try and talk to other people.

Anyway, I started hanging out at this small Irish pub near my place when I moved out and I met a girl we'll call Deanna. Deanna is very attractive and very outgoing. I met her while some Killswitch Engage was playing on the jukebox and, being my usual self on a Friday night. was doing the whole air guitar thing. That's how our relationship started. So far, it has been nothing but a friendship. It took me three weeks to get her number because of how shy I am and how little I know about how to read body language and if a woman is interested in me.

I have friend saying she is interested in me, but I am not sure myself given my pessimistic and skeptical nature. I guess I am asking for advice in the matter, even though I probably shouldn't given all the ridicule that I might get.

Anyway, I really like this woman and would like to spend part of my life with her if the opportunity presented itself. Please tell me what I should do with the next step.


  1. "some Killswitch Engage was playing on the jukebox and, being my usual self on a Friday night. was doing the whole air guitar thing."


    I reckon if you like someone, its a lot harder to tell if they're into you because you keep thinking of the what ifs.

    Anyway, do what jen said. Be normal and ask her out.

  2. How reliable is your friend in situations like this? Not trying to shoot down your chances, but some friends will say things like this just to boost their friend's ego or give them more confidence. There's really not that many ways to find out if she's REALLY interested in you. One would be if she ends up making the move next time, and the other would be for you to attempt and judge from the reaction. No one is going to turn down this kind of interaction with someone they are sexually or romantically attracted to. If it turns out she was never attracted to you in the first place, you'll know and move on. Don't let this girl sit in your consideration for too long either. You start building up expectations and hopes that are, most of the time, unrealistic and exist only in your own reality, which increases anxiety and fear of rejection. Find out where she stands now, ask her out to a movie or out for a few drinks, be yourself and have fun, ask her to dance, get some physical contact in and gauge the reactions, etc. If she's not comfortable with your advances you'll know. Good luck.

  3. Step outside your comfort zone and do what thousands of other guys do all the time and ask her out. The worst that can happen is she says no and then you don't have to worry about it anymore.

  4. Usually when you're into someone your perspective is clouded anyway and anyone would have trouble reading body language to some extent - if you trust your friend's judgment then they're most likely right about her being interested.

    It's better to take a chance than not and then be stuck wondering what might have been the outcome
